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Historic Background
This historic landscape character area is entirely occupied by Pembroke Power Station. It lies within the eastern half of Pwllcrochan parish, whose church in the medieval period was a possession of the Benedictine Monkton Priory, at Pembroke. However, it did not form a manorial centre, and lands in this part of the parish may have been part of the greater Manor of Castlemartin, a demesne manor of the Lordship of Pembroke, and the most important holding appurtenant to Pembroke Castle. Prior to the construction of the power station much of the area was occupied by an inlet and was intertidal, comprising mudflats and saltmarsh. The coastline of this inlet appears to have remained stable throughout the historic period. The remainder of the area comprised farms with regularly shaped fields. The power station was commissioned in the early 1960s and decommissioned in the l990s. It is currently being demolished.

Base map reproduced from the OS map with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown Copyright 2001.
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Description and essential historic landscape components
This historic landscape character area comprises the partially demolished oil-fired power station. In order to build the station a large platform was constructed by excavating a deep scoop into farmland and dumping the resulting waste over the head of a small tidal inlet of the Pembroke River. The resulting platform was large enough to accommodate two stations, should a second one have been required. The platform will remain after demolition.

Even after total demolition, this area will contrast sharply with neighbouring farmland.

Sources: Jones 1987; Laws 1909; Ludlow 1998; Murphy 1995; Owen 1918; Pwllcrochan Parish Tithe Map 1840; PRO D/ANGLE/92; PRO HDX/198/2