AD 750 -800

Sand continued to accumulate and bury the oval enclosure and central feature and eventually they were buried. A new, larger more substantial enclosure was built directly over the oval enclosure and burial continued. Note the west-facing entrance. Four or five burials were identified in this earliest phase of the rectangular enclosure, all north-south aligned, unusually.  From the c14 dates so far obtained it would seem that the oval enclosure may have been in use for just a couple of decades, perhaps less, before being buried.

More sand accumulated and the walls of the rectangular enclosure began to be buried. Eventually the west entrance to the enclosure was blocked with boulders, perhaps in a vain attempt to reduce the sand getting into the enclosure. There was no new central feature created, but the marker set up over the earlier rectangular structure would have been visible.

Burials continued, mostly of children, but as time moved on the cemetery was used for both adults and children.

Heneb - The Trust for Welsh Archaeology