Nowadays climate change and global warming are hot topics for debate,
but other humans, our ancient ancestors, have themselves had to witness the dramatic consequences
of such changes in their environment. Four Ice Ages are known to have occurred during the
Palaeolithic period, approximately 800,000 – 12,000 years ago, interspersed with warmer
conditions. During the last Ice Age, the cold temperatures and extensive ice sheets made
much of northern Europe uninhabitable. As temperatures rose and glaciers melted, at the
start of what is known as the Holocene period 12,000 years ago, Mesolithic hunter-gatherers
were able to start spreading north and west. However, a consequence of this release of glacial
water was a rise in sea levels and over time the rich lowlands favoured by the hunter-gatherers
became inundated, turning woodland to salt marsh and pushing coastlines back towards higher
ground. At times a slow and insidious process, at times dramatically fast, the loss of familiar
landscapes occurred within the memory of living generations.
These lost lands off the coast of modern Britain can now be revisited due to innovative work
by The University of Birmingham. They have used the seismic reflection surveys developed by commercial companies
to map the landscape of the seabed. Following the rediscovery of Doggerland, below the waves of the North Sea,
landscapes now beneath the Bristol Channel and Liverpool Bay have been studied, expanding our knowledge of Wales
in prehistoric times.
Birmingham University's technical
report 'West Coast Palaeolandscapes Survey' in PDF format
(opens in a new window - file size 5.4Mb) |